President Commissioner cum Independent Commissioner
Todo Sihombing
Vice President Commissioner cum Independent Commissioner
Dr. Hadi Cahyadi., S/E, MBA., MCL
Agoes Soelistyo Santoso
Amelia Gozali
Karel Patipeilohy
Meryana Hartono
President Director
Anthony Prabowo Susilo
Patrick Santosa Rendradjaja
Chairman cum Independent Commissioner
Dr. Hadi Cahyadi., S/E, MBA., MCL
Member of Audit Committee
Anang Yudiansyah
Member of Audit Committee
Internal Audit
Renhard Panjaitan
Corporate Secretary
Ispandiati Makmur
Todo Sihombing

Todo Sihombing

President Commissioner cum Independent Commissioner

Todo Sihombing, an Indonesian citizen born in 1941, was appointed as President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner of the Company in 2022. Previously, he served as Vice President Commissioner cum Independent Commissioner from 2020-2022.

He has a long and distinguished track record serving in the Indonesian National Army (TNI) with the last rank of Major General TNI (1965-1997). He has also held various senior positions including Coordinator of Expert Staff of the ABRI Commander (1994-1995), and Deputy Chairman of the TNI Faction of the House of Representatives, Coordinator for General Affairs (1995-1997).

He was educated at the National Military Academy (1961-1964), SESKOAD (1976-1977), SESKOGAB (1981), LEMHANNAS (1987), and participated in a Defense Resources Management Course (DRMC) (1994).
Has no affiliation with members of the Board of Directors, other members of the Board of Commissioners, or the Company’s shareholders.

Dr. Hadi Cahyadi., S/E, MBA., MCL

Dr. Hadi Cahyadi., S/E, MBA., MCL

Vice President Commissioner cum Independent Commissioner

Hadi Cahyadi, an Indonesian citizen born in 1966, was appointed as Vice President Commissioner concurrently Independent Commissioner in 2022. Previously, he served as President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner from 2020-2022. He was first appointed as a Commissioner of the Company in 2015, and has served as Chairman of the Audit Committee since 2016.

He has over 20 years of experience in finance. He was an Auditor at Arthur Anderson Firm, Jakarta (1989-1991), then held various managerial positions in finance including at KPMG, Ernst & Young and Deloitte Touche, and Partner at Prijohandojo, Boentoro & Co. (PB&Co) before founding Helios Capital in 1994.

He is concurrently Independent Commissioner and Chairman of the Audit Committee of PT Lippo Cikarang, Independent Commissioner and Chairman of the Audit Committee of PT Multipolar Tbk, Independent Commissioner and Chairman of the Audit Committee of PT Sekar Bumi, and Permanent Lecturer of Strategic Management Study at the Faculty of Economics, Tarumanagara University.

He holds a Bachelor of Economics majoring in Accounting from Tarumanagara University (1990), a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from the University of Houston-Clear Lake (1993), a Master Degree in Corporate Law (MCL) from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) (1999), and a Doctorate in Research Management from Pelita Harapan University, Jakarta.

He has no affiliation with members of the Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners or the Company’s shareholders.

Agoes Soelistyo Santoso

Agoes Soelistyo Santoso


Agoes Soelistyo Santoso, an Indonesian citizen born in 1961, has served as a Commissioner of the Company since 2019. He has also been Chairman of the Risk Management Committee since 2022.

He is presently President Director at PT Kega Property Utama (2018- 2023), and is concurrently a Director at PT Indonesian Paradise Island (2018-2023), PT Eka Ilalang Suryadinamika (2018-2023), and PT Java Paradise Island (2020-2025).

Prior to that, he served as President Director of the Company (2002-2019), President Director at PT Ometraco Corporation Tbk (1996-2000), and a Director at PT Budi Acid Jaya Tbk (1992-1996). He began his career in Finance & Accounting at PT Daya Knitto, Indomobil Group and Sinar Mas Group (1985-1992).

He earned a Bachelor of Economics degree from Parahyangan Catholic University in 1985.
He has no affiliation with members of the Board of Directors, members of the Board of Commissioners, or the Company’s shareholders.

Amelia Gozali

Amelia Gozali


Amelia Gozali, an Indonesian citizen born in 1985, has served as a Commissioner of the Company since 2010.
She currently serves as CEO at PT Pop Properti Indonesia, a retail property management company (2014-present).

Previously, she worked among others at A.T. Kearney Consultants in Jakarta; Merrill Lynch Global Private Wealth Management, USA; World Harvest, USA; Phelps Group, USA, and Starbucks Jakarta.

She is concurrently a Commissioner at PT Pop Properti Indonesia (2018-present), and Vice President Commissioner at PT Plaza Indonesia Realty Tbk (2019-present).

She earned a Bachelor of Business Administration Marketing – Honors from University of Southern California Marshall School of Business, Los Angeles, CA, USA in 2006.

She is a shareholder of PT Grahatama Kreasibaru, which is the Controlling Shareholder of the Company. She is also affiliated with a member of the Board of Directors, Anthony Prabowo Susilo.

Karel Patipeilohy

Karel Patipeilohy


Karel Patipeilohy, an Indonesian citizen born in 1958, has served as a Commissioner of the Company since 2005. He has also been a member of the Risk Management Committee since 2022.

A Director at PT Pop Properti Indonesia since 2018, he was previously President Director at PT Senimba Bay Resort (formerly PT Marina City Development) (2004-2014), President Director at PT Marina City Development (2001-2004) and Director at PT Inti Insan Santosa (1998-2004). He began his career as an Operation Manager at PT Schlumberger Geophysics Nusantara and PT Ometraco Realty (1979-1990). He is a Commissioner at PT Grahatama Kreasibaru, which is the Controlling Shareholder of the Company.

He is also President Commissioner at PT Kega Property Utama (2018-2023) and Commissioner at PT Sinar Harapan Persada (2000-present).

Meryana Hartono

Meryana Hartono


Meryana Hartono, an Indonesian citizen born in Jakarta on May 14, 1978, currently serves as a Commissioner at PT Indonesian Paradise Property Tbk. In addition to this role, she has held numerous strategic positions in leading companies throughout nearly two decades of her career.

Her professional journey began as a Commissioner at PT Adrindo Intisarana in 2004, followed by roles at PT Griya Inti Perkasa (2007-present), PT Adrindo Intiperkasa (2008-present), and PT Prapat Tunggal Cipta (2012-present). In 2018, she was appointed as Commissioner at PT Propertindo Graha Perkasa, and in 2019 at PT Pesona Karya Gemilang. Meryana has also served as the President Commissioner of PT Prima Honeycomb International since 2021 and as a Commissioner of PT Adrindo Inti Graha since 2022. Most recently, she has been the President Director of PT Propertindo Prima Investama since 2024.

She earned her Bachelor of Arts (BA Hons) degree from Middlesex University, London, in 2002.

She has no affiliation with members of the Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners or the Company’s shareholders.

Anthony Prabowo Susilo

Anthony Prabowo Susilo

President Director

Anthony Prabowo Susilo, an Indonesian citizen born in 1984, has served as the President Director of the Company since 2020. Previously he served as Vice President Director since 2019. He was appointed for the first time to the Company’s Board of Directors in 2016.

From 2008-2015, he served as the Vice President of Quvat Capital Partners Ltd. During his career in private equity, he executed investments into numerous industries and held managerial positions at Blitz-CGV Cinemas (2013-2015), PT Cardig Air (2008-2015), PT Nusantara Steelmills Indonesia (2012-2015), and PT Sitasa Energi (2013-2015).

He earned his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance and Accounting from Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA.

He has no affiliation with other members of the Board of Directors, but has a family relationship with a member of the Board of Commissioners, Amelia Gozali. He is also affiliated with the Company’s Controlling Shareholder.

Patrick Santosa Rendradjaja

Patrick Santosa Rendradjaja


Patrick Santosa Rendradjaja, an Indonesian citizen born in 1959, has served as the President Director of the Company since 2020. He first joined the Company’s Board of Directors in 2005.

Over his 30-year career, he has held Directorships at various companies under Indonesia Paradise Group (1999-present), including as Director at PT Indonesian Paradise Island (2018-2023) and Director at PT Kega Property Utama (2018-2023). Previous to that he was Project Coordinator at Bentala Sanggrahan Group, Jakarta (1997-1998), Project Coordinator at Ometraco Realty, Jakarta (1993-1997) and Project Coordinator at Lippo City Development, Jakarta (1992-1993). He started his career as an architect at Atelier 6 Group, Jakarta (1988-1992).

He is concurrently President Commissioner at PT Mega Biru Selaras (2020- 2025), Commissioner at PT Adhitama Citra Selaras (2019-2024), and a Commissioner at PT Anugerah Nusaraya (2020-2025).
He earned a Master of Science in Architecture from Delft Technical University, Netherlands (1986).

He has no affiliation with other members of the Board of Directors, members of the Board of Commissioners, or the Company’s Shareholders.




Surina, an Indonesian citizen born in 1979, was appointed as a Director of the Company in 2022. She also serves as Chairman of the Sustainability Committee and Chairman of the Whistleblowing Management Committee (KP3).

With over 20 years of leadership experience in the financial industry, she is currently President Director at PT Paloma Suasa Manajemen (2022-2026), Director at PT Retzan Indonusa (2022-2026), Director at PT Adhitama Citra Selaras (2022-2024), Director at PT Dinamika Putra Perkasa (2022-2025) and Director at PT Sarana Usahajaya (2022-2025).

Most recently she was Finance Director at PT Satyamitra Surya Perkasa (2020), CEO at OMNI Hospitals Group (2014-2020), VP Finance, Accounting & Tax at PT Mitra Komunikasi Nusantara (2013-2014), Executive Advisor to CEO and Corporate Secretary at OMNI Hospitals Group (2008-2013), Senior Consultant of Corporate Finance Division at PT Grant Thornton Hendrawinata (2004-2008). She began her career as a Loan Officer at PT Bank Woori Indonesia (2003-2004), and as a Consultant in the Corporate Finance Division at PT Moores Rowland Indonesia (2001-2003).

She is concurrently a Commissioner at PT Padma Suasa (2022-2027), PT Praba Kumala Sajati (2022-2027), and PT Mega Biru Selaras (2020-2025).

She earned a Master of Management degree from the Faculty of Economics, Tarumanegara University (2004).
She has no affiliation with other members of the Board of Directors, members of the Board of Commissioners, or the Company’s Shareholders.

Dr. Hadi Cahyadi., S/E, MBA., MCL

Dr. Hadi Cahyadi., S/E, MBA., MCL

Chairman cum Independent Commissioner

Hadi Cahyadi, an Indonesian citizen born in 1966, has served as Chairman of the Audit Committee since 2016. He has concurrently served as Vice President Commissioner cum Independent Commissioner of the Company since 2022. Previously, he served as President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner of the Company from 2020-2022. He was first appointed as a Commissioner of the Company in 2015.

He has over 20 years of experience in finance. He was an Auditor at Arthur Anderson Firm, Jakarta (1989-1991), then held various managerial positions in finance including at KPMG, Ernst & Young and Deloitte Touche, and Partner at PB&Co before founding Helios Capital in 1994.

He is also concurrently Independent Commissioner and Chairman of the Audit Committee of PT Lippo Cikarang, Independent Commissioner and Chairman of the Audit Committee of PT Multipolar Tbk, Independent Commissioner and Chairman of the Audit Committee of PT Sekar Bumi, and Permanent Lecturer of Strategic Management Study at the Faculty of Economics, Tarumanagara University.

He holds a Bachelor of Economics majoring in Accounting from Tarumanagara University (1990), a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from the University of Houston-Clear Lake (1993), a Master Degree in Corporate Law (MCL) from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) (1999), and a Doctorate in Research Manager from Pelita Harapan University, Jakarta.

He has no affiliation with members of the Board of Directors, other members of the Board of Commissioners or the Company’s Shareholders.

Anang Yudiansyah

Anang Yudiansyah

Member of Audit Committee

He is currently a Senior Advisor (Consulting & Auditing) for EXSolutions Indonesia (2009-present), Previously, he was a member of the Audit Committee at PT Ancora Resources Tbk (2009-2014), a member of the Audit Committee at PT Sarana Menara Nusantara Tbk (2011-2013), Head of Internal Audit at PT Semen Cibinong Tbk (1996-2000), and a Senior Auditor at Ernst & Young (1992-1996).
He earned a Bachelor of Accounting from the University of Indonesia (1994).

He has no affiliation with members of the Board of Directors, other members of the Board of Commissioners, or the Company’s Shareholders.



Member of Audit Committee

He is currently a member of the Audit Committee at PT Indostraits Tbk (2012-present); a member of the Audit Committee at PT Kobexindo Tractors Tbk (2012-present), and a member of the Audit Committee at PT Barito Pacific Tbk (2013-present).
He holds a Bachelor of Accounting from Tarumanagara University (1993).

He has no affiliation with members of the Board of Directors, other members of the Board of Commissioners, or the Company’s Shareholders.

Renhard Panjaitan

Renhard Panjaitan

Internal Audit

Renhard Panjaitan, an Indonesian citizen born in 1976, was appointed as Chief Internal Audit in 2022.

Previously, he was appointed Senior Manager Internal Audit at PT Bungasari Flour Mills Indonesia (2018-2022), Senior Manager Internal Audit at PT Central Cipta Murdaya (2014-2018), Senior Manager Audit at KAP Gani Sigiro Handayani (Grant Thornton) (2013-2014), Senior Manager Audit at KAP Anwar & Rekan (2010-2010), Supervisor Audit at KAP Hendrawinata Gani & Hidayat (Grant Thornton) (2010), Senior Audit at KAP Haryanto Sahari & Rekan (PricewaterhouseCoopers) (2007-2009), and Senior Audit at KAP Purwantono, Sarwoko & Sandjaja (Ernst & Young) (2003-2007).

He earned a Bachelor of Accounting from the University of North Sumatra (2000).
He has no affiliation with members of the Board of Directors, other members of the Board of Commissioners, or the Company’s Shareholders.

Ispandiati Makmur

Ispandiati Makmur

Corporate Secretary

Ispandiati Makmur, an Indonesian citizen born in 1975, was appointed as the Corporate Secretary of the Company in 2017.

She was previously Senior Corporate Legal at PT Jakarta Setiabudi Internasional Tbk (2012-2017), Senior Associate at Makes & Partners Law Firm (2008-2012), and Corporate Legal at PT Lafarge Cement Indonesia (2004-2008). She began her career as an associate at Arie S. Hutagalung & Partner, Law Firm (1997-2000).
She earned a Bachelor of Law from the University of Indonesia (1992).